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Free *$ 0/ per month
Starter$ 2/ per month
Basic$ 5/ per month
Premium$ 10/ per month
Pro$ 20/ per month
Pro Plus$ 50/ per month
You can downgrade your account to free and no longer be charged by going to the My Account page, scrolling down to Membership and click Upgrade/Change/Downgrade Plan, and choose the free account.
Use the tool below to calculate how much your screening will cost.
This price is what you’ll pay along with your monthly/yearly membership. Please note that if you go over your allotted streaming quota, the card we have on file will be automatically charged $0.30 for every additional 1GB streamed.
Stacy has a Premium membership.
She uploads her 90 minute film. After processing and compressing, her 90 minute film will be about 1.5GB to stream.
= 1.5 GB
She’s hosting a screening of her new doc so that her cast and crew can watch the film virtually.
She’s expecting about 50 audience members.

Her Premium membership allows for 20GB of streaming per month.
She uses the Streaming Calculator to check approximately around how much screening her film would cost after reaching the streaming limit.
Many universities and schools are using ScreeningRoom as part of their courses, from advanced editing classes to visual journalism to introduction to post-production to master thesis projects. We invite you to use ScreeningRoom and receive a 20 percent discount if you are an educational institution or non-profit organization.
ScreeningRoom has changed the way I teach.
Associate Professor, NewsDoc Director, NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
Billing is simple, you can pay by credit card for all of your students for the semester by credit card or purchase order. Lets say you have a class of 10 students and you want to use ScreeningRoom for four months. If you get the Basic account, that would be $160 for the semester.
Contact us to sign up your students today! Email us at hello at screeningroom.org